Health Benefits Of Avocado Oil

Avocado is among the healthiest natural foods. Its oil is obtained from the pulp of its fruit through cold pressing. Eating avocado is associated with many beauty and health benefits due to its high content of healthy fats and antioxidants. It improves the functioning of the circulatory system, as well balancing the body hormones. This oil is also good for your skin. Additionally, this fruit is among the superfoods which help people in losing weight especially when it is combined with other regular exercises and a healthy diet.
These are some of the major health benefits of avocado oil
Loaded with oleic acid
Oleic acid is a healthy fat belonging to the omega-9 fatty acids. It is the main content of avocado oil, and it is the one believed to be responsible for the many health benefits associated with avocado. Additionally avocado also contains 12% of the saturated fats.
Improves heart health and reduces cholesterol
Studies and research that have been conducted in animals have proven that avocado oil if beneficial for heart health. For instance, a study that was conducted on rabbits revealed that this oil helps in lowering the cholesterol levels. Furthermore, both olive and avocado oil are very in increasing the composition of HDL which is good’ cholesterol. Avocado oil was also experimented with rats where it showed its effectiveness in reducing LDL cholesterol levels, lowering blood pressure as well as reducing blood triglycerides.
Beneficial to the eyes
This oil is rich in lutein which is a potent antioxidant. It benefits to eye health by acting as an antioxidant. Consumption of lutein also helps in reducing the risks of macular degeneration and cataracts both of which are the common eye diseases. Lutein is not produced by the body and must be supplemented with the diet.
Enhancing the absorption of nutrients
Fat is needed to increase the rate of absorption of some nutrients by the body. Examples of these nutrients include the carotenoid antioxidants. These are the pigments obtained from the plant foods. However, both vegetables and fruits rich in carotenoids have a low-fat content. You should, therefore, add some little avocado oil to their diet to increase the rate of absorption of carotenoids.
Neutralizing the free radicals
Antioxidants help in fighting the cellular damage caused by the free radicals. These free radicals are formed from the waste products of metabolic processes. These radicals would lead to oxidative stress if they accumulated to higher levels. Antioxidants neutralize the free radicals by giving them electrons. The neutralized free radicals can not cause any harm to the body.…